I’ve decided to start writing more. Part of the motivation grew from reading blogs of other developers, such as Brent Simmons’s amazing inessential. Writing has since grown on me and has become a lot more.

Writing, especially publishing on the web, was very difficult initially, but it has gotten progressively easier. Part of it may be due to more practice, but I feel most of the improvement from building rewriting into my writing workflow. For me, a thought rarely comes out right the first time and almost always needs rewriting.

I’ve started carrying a pen and notebook with me, as I noticed I solve some coding issues better on papers first. It is the same for writing. Writing the old school way removes the distraction of a computer and helps me focus better. It also forces me to do a rewrite when I transcribe it into my draft document on Dropbox.

As a result, I’m much happier with the final result compared to the first draft, and I’m also much more willing to publish it. I’m looking forward to writing and sharing more in the future.

P.S. My new found obsession of fountain pens may also be contributing to this. Maybe I’ll write about it one day.